Youth in South Frontenac
Young people in rural communities have different challenges than those in urban settings. The following information may be useful for youth in South Frontenac.
Call 211 -
If you dial "211" you can ask about all kinds of information about programs and services in the community.
Kids Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868 -
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only national 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counselling, online counselling and referral service for children and youth. The service is completely anonymous and confidential – they don’t trace calls, they don’t have call display. You don’t even have to tell them your name if you don’t want to. Whether by phone, mobile app or through our websites, you can connect with us whenever you want, however you want.
Addictions and Mental Health Services - 24/7 Crisis Phone Line - 613-544-4229 or toll-free 1-866-616-6005
Our crisis lines are staffed 24/7, 365 days a year by experienced professionals who can provide immediate support, advocacy and referrals to appropriate services as needed. Mobile services are available to support individuals in an escalating crisis due to mental health or addiction problems. Walk-ins are welcome weekdays at 385 Princess Street in Kingston and 70 Dundas Street East in Napanee. Crisis services are free, confidential and delivered in a respectful, non-judgmental manner by a multidisciplinary team of mental health and addiction specialists.
Do you need a place to stay for the night?
Do you need help with food or clothing?
Do you need someone to talk to?
Do you need help finding a job or going to school?
Do you need help with housing or paying utilities?
Do you need help staying in your home?
Are you interested in sports or other physical activities?
Do you need money?
Ontario Works provides temporary financial assistance to those in financial need. There are under-18 case workers specifically trained to help youth. In order to qualify for Ontario Works, a parental investigation will be conducted to determine whether the parental home is available and safe. If the parental home is deemed not available, meaning your parents are not willing to allow you to live there, or the home is deemed to be unsafe for whatever reason, then you may qualify for Ontario Works.
It is recommended that you are in school full time. If this is the case, you will not be required to look for employment while in receipt of Ontario Works. If you are not in school or have no plans to attend school, then you will be referred to an employment worker who will assist you in finding a job. If you are working and going to school full time, all income from your employment is exempt from being deducted from your Ontario Works amount. As long as you are in school full time, you may qualify. If you are attending school on a part-time basis, then you will be required to look for part-time employment.
If you are under 18, you are also required to have a trustee. Funds will not be released directly to you, but must go through a trustee and funds provided to landlords, utilities, and remaining funds will be provided to you.
You can apply in one of two ways:
Apply online through the Ministry of Community and Social Services website.
Call 613-546-2695 ext 4980 to complete an intake and book an appointment with an under-18 Case Worker.
You will need to bring the following items to your appointment:
Social insurance number
Health card number
Proof of identity and date of birth (drivers license, birth certificate, passport)
Employment history/information
Income and assets
Shelter costs (rent, utilities)
Status in Canada (citizen, immigrant, etc)
The Ontario Works office is located at 362 Montreal Street in Kingston. You can also book to see a Case Worker in Sydenham here at Southern Frontenac Community Services.
Do you need a place to stay for the night?
This is an emergency shelter offering 15 beds for youth ages 16-24 in a housing crisis. You can call 613-766-3200 or drop by the shelter at 234 Brock Street in Kingston. They do not maintain a waiting list for beds and beds are available on a “first come, first served” basis.
Services include:
A warm bed in a safe and nurturing environment
Nutritious meals
Support with basic needs (access to personal hygiene supplies, clothing, laundry facilities, school supplies, transit fare)
Non-judgmental supportive counselling
Community resources and referrals
Access to telephone and internet
Employment and education
Life skills training
Housing assistance through the Prevention Diversion Worker who is a trained professional who can assist you in meeting your individual housing needs
Family support through the Family Mediation Worker
Do you need help with food or clothing?
Hartington Community Caring Centre, Princess Anne Building, 5597 Highway 38, Hartington, ON K0H 1W0 - provides second hand clothing and small household items for a modest fee. Open Mon, Fri 9 am-12 noon and Tue 9 am-4 pm
Missions Thrift Store Kingston – 2455 Princess Street, Kingston - 613-531-7852
The Goodway – 844 Division Street, Kingston - 613-817-1213
Salvation Army Thrift Store, 277 Bath Road - 613-544-4396
Salvation Army Thrift Store, 472 Division Street - 613-531-5002
St. Vincent de Paul – 85 Stephen Street, Kingston - 613-766-8432
Southern Frontenac Community Services – Food Bank & Good Food Box – 4295 Stagecoach Road, Sydenham, 613-376-6477
Partners in Mission Food Bank – 140 Hickson Avenue, Kingston - 613-544-4534
Salvation Army Community and Family Services – 342 Patrick Street, Kingston - 613-548-4411
St. Vincent de Paul Society - 85 Stephen Street, Kingston - 613-766-8432
Good Food Box - 613-530-2239
Loving Spoonful – 559 Bagot Street, Kingston - 613-507-8848
Martha’s Table – 629 Princess Street, Kingston - 613-546-0320
Do you need someone to talk to?
These 24/7 confidential support lines provide assistance to anyone who needs someone to talk to at any time of day. They are confidential, meaning no one else will know what is said, and you can remain anonymous, meaning you don’t have to give your name.
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
This service is completely anonymous, and confidential. They don’t trace calls, and don’t have call display. You can reach them by phone, mobile app, or through their website.
Live Chat on their website:
Mobile App – Always There App – Android and iOS
Their website can also hep you find resources in your area using the Resources Around Me page
Telephone Aid Line Kingston (TALK) 613-544-1771
This is a confidential, anonymous, and non-judgmental phone line providing distress, crisis, befriending, and information support every night from 6:00 pm. until 2:00 am.
LGBT Youthline 1-800-268-9688
This service offers confidential and non-judgmental peer support through telephone, text, and online chat sources, from Sunday to Friday 4 pm until 9:30 pm.
Text: 647-694-4275 (texting rates may apply)
Live Chat –
This is a live online network that uses instant messages to respond to people who need support. Online chat can be accessed at:
The Online Chat & Text service allows individuals to communicate without having to speak with someone over the phone. It is safe, confidential, one-on-one, and is available between 2 pm and 2 am every day. You can access it through their website by clicking on the Chat window, or by texting 258258 (texting rates may apply).
Sexual Assault Centre Kingston 1-877-544-6424
These services are open to all survivors of sexualized violence and their support persons. You can access their free, confidential, non-judgmental support through Online Chat at or through texting “Hello” to 1-877-544-6424. These services are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 6pm until 11 pm.
There is also their 24 hour support line that you can reach by calling 1-877-544-6424.
Kingston Frontenac Lennox & Addington-Addiction and Mental Health Services (AMHS-KFLS) 1-866-616-6005
This service provides a 24/7, 365 days per year crisis service providing immediate support, advocacy, and referrals to appropriate services, by calling 613-544-4229 or toll free at 1-866-616-6005. These services are free, confidential, and delivered in a respectful, non-judgmental manner by a multidisciplinary team of mental health and addiction specialists.
Good2Talk 1-866-925-5454
This is a free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions, and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365.
Do you need help going to school or finding a job?
Limestone Community Education
A department of the Limestone District School Board, LCE offers programs and services to provide innovative training opportunities for over 3,600 people each year. Our mandate is to create academic and workforce training that meets the needs of diversified client groups. We operate programs within the regions, ranging from Kingston to Napanee and South Frontenac. 613-542-7369.
Youth Job Connection
This program is for youth ages 15 to 29. It includes 60 hours of paid classroom training to learn job search and employment readiness skills, life skills, and an introduction to community services. Following the classroom training there is a paid job placement with access to mentorship, coaching, and financial support for needs such as transportation, work clothing, and tools.
Youth Job Connection Summer
This program is for youth ages 15-18. It includes 20 hours of paid training to prepare you for the workforce. This training is followed by a summer job that lasts up to 8 weeks, and includes mentorship, job coaching and help returning to school. You must be a high school student planning to stay in, or return to, school or move on to post-secondary education.
Youth Job Link
This program is for youth ages 15-29, who are looking for your first job. It provides help with job search and matching to a local employer. There is also assistance offered with some work related costs, such as shoes and uniforms.
Where to go to access these programs:
Limestone Community Education -
Girls Inc.
KEYS Job Centre
St. Lawrence College – Employment Services
Kagita Mikam Aboriginal Employment and Training
ACFOMI Employment Services
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a financial aid program that can help you pay for college or university. It offers funding through two kinds of money:
Grants: money you don’t have to pay back;
A student loan: money you need to repay once you’re done school.
When you apply for OSAP, you are automatically considered for both grants and loans. If you don’t want to take a loan, you can decline it after your application is approved.
There are also programs to help you repay your student loan once you’re done school. Full-time students may be eligible for free tuition.
OSAP can help you pay for:
Books, equipment, and supplies
Mandatory student fees a school may charge
Living expenses (full-time students only)
Child care (for students with children)
Click this link to find out how to apply for OSAP
Do you need help with housing or paying for utilities?
Southern Frontenac Community Services 613-376-6477
Homelessness Prevention Workers serve the entire County of Frontenac, and can help you find sustainable housing if you are homeless or at risk of losing your home. This can include if you are having family conflict that might result in you couch-surfing.
Hydro LEAP
The Low-Income Energy Assistance Program pays up to $500 of the amount owing on your bill (up to $600 if your home’s electrically heated). This is a one-time emergency payment only. To qualify, you must:
be a residential customer of Hydro One
live at the home that is behind on the electricity bill
have an income below a certain limit.
To apply you can call 1-855-487-5327 or visit
You can also contact a Homelessness Prevention Worker at Southern Frontenac Community Services at 613-376-6477 for assistance.
Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
A program to assist customers of electricity utility who are in a low-income home with a reduction on their electricity bill. The OESP will reduce the cost of your household electricity by applying a monthly credit to your bill. Call 1-855-831-8151 or visit to apply. You can also contact a Homelessness Prevention Worker through Southern Frontenac Community Services by calling 613-376-6477 for assistance.
Do you need help staying in your home?
Family Mediation Worker – Kingston Youth Shelter
Provides mediation to families experiencing family breakdown, youth/parent conflict, and general communication difficulties that may leave youth at a greater risk of entering homelessness. You do not need to access the shelter to be eligible for this service. This is an outreach position, meaning the worker is able to meet with you and your family where you feel most comfortable with the goal of strengthening youth-family relationships and preventing youth homelessness. The worker provides mediation, short term intervention, referrals, and case management.
To be eligible:
You must be between 16-24 years of age
Your family must be located in the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington area
Participation must be voluntary from all persons
You can reach the Family Mediation Worker by:
calling 613-766-3200
texting or calling 613-572-6977
or emailing
Family Reunite Program
This program provides youth an opportunity to be reunited with family anywhere across Canada. It assists youth ages 16-19 who have left home in reuniting with parents/guardians anywhere across Canada by providing family support and transportation at no cost. To be eligible, a youth must be:
between 16-19 years of age
not fleeing any legal issues
returning to parents/legal guardians
You do not need to be a resident of the Kingston Youth Shelter to access this program. To access Reunite, simply stop by 234 Brock Street or call the Kingston Youth Shelter at 613-766-3200.
Are you interested in sports or other physical activities?
Jumpstart through Canadian Tire provides funding that assists with the costs associated with registration, equipment, and/or transportation for you to participate in sports, or other physical activities, such as hockey, soccer, swimming, dance lessons, martial arts, ringette, etc.
To qualify:
You, and other children/youth in your home who are applying, must be between 4 and 18 years old;
Must be interested in a program involving sports or physical activity;
Your family must be considered in financial need.
Your parent/guardian can apply on your behalf online.
Summer Camp Subsidies
For a listing of summer camp subsidies that you may be eligible for, you can use this link and have your parent/guardian apply on your behalf.
The Boys and Girls Club of Kingston & Area provide after school and evening programs for children and youth, ages 1-19 years, in a safe, supportive environment at two main Clubhouses and six satellite locations, which include the West End Hub (1300 Bath Road, Kingston), the Central Hub (559 Bagot Street, Kingston), Rideau Heights Public School, Joyceville Public School, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School, and Glenburnie Public School.
Activities include (may not be offered at every site):
physical activity and swimming
personal health and wellness
sports league
birthday parties
jungle gym and inflatable rentals
archery tag
Sport Ball
family swims
youth programming (teens)
For more information, please visit or call the Robert Meek Downtown Youth Centre at 613-542-3306, or the West End Hub (Frontenac Mall) at 613-507-3306.
For financial assistance or subsidies, you can apply for Jumpstart - see above - or get an application for subsidies here.
If you want to participate in sports or other activities within South Frontenac, you can click on this link to access the South Frontenac Township Recreation Guide
Youth Clubs
Air Cadets 613-541-5010 ext 4239
Army Cadets 613-541-5010 ext 5939
Girl Guides 1-800-565-8111
Sea Cadets 613-541-5010 ext 6117
Scouts Canada 1-888-855-3336